“I Didn’t Know What I Had in My Stash” Small Sewing Shop Creator Reveals Why Every Sewist Should Have a Basic Knowledge of Fabric Types. Here Are 4 Reasons Why.
Summary: Long-time sewist Breann Steffey got a huge stash of beautiful fabrics from her mother-in-law, but they just sat piled up in a corner. She realized that even though she’d been sewing her whole life, she didn’t actually know that much about fabric types and wasn't sure what to make with it all.
So she took learning about fabrics into her own hands with a quick, affordable mini-course.
Here are 4 reasons why she thinks every sewist needs a basic knowledge of fabrics.

Discover the value and potential of the fabrics you already own. Especially if you’ve got mystery fabrics. You know the ones, from your mother-in-law, your aunt, or ones you’ve thrifted. Being able to identify and understand the qualities of different fabrics, you can make the most out of your existing stash and create projects with better results.
“I'm gonna start sewing through my stash now…I'm so glad I took the course because I learned that I've got a lot of good stuff in there.”
2. Choose the Right Materials for Your Project Every Time

Different projects need different fabrics and they require different handling. Breann (@steffeystitch) says the mini-course she took greatly increased her understanding of different fabrics, their properties, and how they’re made. This knowledge is crucial for selecting the right materials for your projects and achieving professional results.
“I knew that my lack of knowledge was holding me back from making things that I would actually wear and love because I didn't know what to shop for or how to work with the stuff that I did have.”
3. Make Eco-friendly Decisions

The fabric mini-course Breann took also covers the environmental impact of various fabrics, helping you make more sustainable choices.
“Another thing that's really important to me that I learned is the effects of the fashion industry and how different fabrics are made and impacts on the environment. I love to buy thrifted fabric and deadstock fabric and I don't always know what I am getting when I buy that stuff. So this gave me a lot of knowledge and I'll have a lot more confidence when I'm going to buy fabric, which I'm really excited about.”
4. Better Etsy Listings

“I'm feeling a lot more confident listing my stuff on Etsy too. In the past, I didn't know what I had so I didn't know how to add the materials to my listings properly.”
Gaining fabric knowledge boosted Breann’s confidence in both purchasing and working with different materials. She now feels more confident listing her items on Etsy because she can accurately describe the fabrics used. Better descriptions = more sales!
Stop wasting fabric (and money and time)
Gain confidence by learning about what fabric you already have, what fabric to buy, and how and where to buy it. If you’re a maker selling your creations, knowing how to accurately describe what you make equals more sales!
Every sewing project will turn out IF you choose the right fabrics
Want the mini-course that helped Breann? Grab the Basics of Fashion Fabrics online mini-course and start getting better results from your sewing projects. Save money, save time, and gain confidence…make fabrics and sewing your Superpower!