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How to Celebrate with Small Biz This Season

Happy November friends!

If you’re reading this I know you already support small and local businesses, so I’m probably preaching to the choir here. Still, if you’re in a position to buy gifts, here’s a few things to keep in mind to keep happy times a’ flowing as we head into the holiday shopping season.


I'm usually the worst  at planning my gift giving, so if you’re like me, I feel you. But since small shops can’t afford to offer free 2-day shipping like billionaire-owned corporations named after tropical rainforests, make sure to purchase with enough time to get your deliveries by the time you want them.
To help with planning, keep an eye out for our Gift Guide coming next week!


If you make a Christmas list for family or friends, add items from small businesses and send web links to make it easy for the buyer to find and purchase.


Tell your friends about your favorite small businesses, forward this email to someone, post the business on Facebook, share in your Insta story, link your favorite product in a Tweet, whatever. If you like it, talk it up!

small business Footloose happy dance

You’ve heard about the happy dance before and it’s 100% true (if you know me, you know I’ll prove it). I mean come on, no one in the Amazon warehouse is doing the Footloose dance when they package up a sale. But I sure as heck am.

One last thing - when you support small business you support a dream, a family, your community, and your city.

THANK YOU from the depths.



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