Niche 'n Bitch
noun: niche: something (such as a sheltered or private space) that resembles a recess in a wall.
I tend to pronounce niche "neesh," but since "nitch" rhymes with bitch I'll say it that way for this story.
It's time for American Happy to niche.
Really position itself in that cool little space that seems made just for it.
Like a telephone niche in an old house:
Okay who cares? What does this mean? The big thing (for me anyway) is that I've decided not to do clothes anymore. Not never, but not now or in the near future.
This feels big because I've spent my career identifying as a fashion designer...who makes clothes. But the reality is that I've spent my career making all kinds of fashion and other sewn products. I actually have a deep well of experience in bags, backpacks, and outdoor gear - experience I undervalued in my 20's as I was pursuing my dream of being an apparel designer. (Feel free to have a laugh over the story of my terrible first fanny packs.)
Have you ever had something you simply must do, even if you know it's not entirely on track? Even while I was developing the recent *Collection I* it felt like a diversion from the goals of American Happy. But it was something I was compelled to get out of my system. And now it's been released and it's time to move forward.
Aaaaaanyway...I'm niche-ing American Happy into the most happy little wall pocket where colorful, vintage fabrics, nostalgia-inspired, joyful, high quality, fashion accessories will live.
I'm so happy to have you here and would be over the moon if you were a newsletter subscriber. In return for your email address you'll get first notice of every limited edition product drop / launch / release that we do.
Here's to more niche-ing, less bitching!